Мариана Тодорова

Mariana Todorova

Futurologist, associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the BAS


Dr. Mariana Todorova is a futurologist, associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the BAS. She is a visionary, strategist and book author. Todorova creates a new methodology for scientific forecasting by combining counterfactual analysis and scenario building.
She holds specializations in leadership at Harvard University, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, the International Leadership Program (IVLP) of the US State Department, and the Chinese Academy of Management.
In 2019, Todorova co-authored a book: “Future studies and counterfactual analysis. Seeds of the future”, together with the famous American futurist Theodore Gordon, ideologist of the 3rd stage of the Apollo project for landing on the moon. In 2020, she published her own book in Bulgarian: “Artificial Intelligence. A Brief History of Development and Ethical Aspects of the Subject”.

Todorova is the chair of the Millennium project and a member of Hera city, as well as a member of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences. Last year, Todorova represented Bulgaria at UNESCO in the intergovernmental meeting to develop an ethical framework for artificial intelligence and is a member of the Foresight Group at the European Cyber Security Agency.